good friday

I woke up cross with various elements of life but a bit of therapeutic cleaning followed by highly therapeutic Good Friday service sorted me out. It’s hard to consider your “suffering” as particularly meaningful at a Good Friday service! (Or at least that’s true in my case as my problems aren’t exactly of the starvation/persecution/death variety). I left church feeling thankful and felt shocked to hear two old girls stood on the steps loudly moaning about all of the people who were inside clearing up and organising everything for Sunday’s services and others who are out and about serving our community. I chose not to be un-uplifted... and narrowly resisted the temptation to preach a second sermon, choosing instead to gush briefly about all of the aforementioned servant-hearted types. I hope I don’t grow into even more of a moaner because it isn’t pretty.

Later we headed up to our friend’s farm for freshly baked hot cross buns and egg rolling (way more fun than it ought to be) before exchanging copious amounts of chocolate with family members and watching all of the children put on a lengthy show in which very little happened but they all giggled a lot.

And there were nest cakes. Naturally.

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