Red, Green, and Blue

By GemmoMC


I have officially lost my umbrella.

It was the end of classes yesterday and I was making my way home. I was on the tram and I suddenly remembered that I did not have my umbrella with me. I quickly got off and luckily, the tram going the opposite direction had just arrived. I hopped on and anxiously waited to get off at Montaigne-Montesquieu. The tram stopped. I briskly walked towards the class room I had forgotten my umbrella in hopes that I could retrieve, but alas the door was locked.

I went on a little quest to find someone to unlock the door. Everyone I asked led me closer to obtaining my umbrella, but nobody really knew what they were doing. By about the fifth person, I was hopeful to getting my possession as the lady said, "Come back here, if you can't find somebody to help you in the other department." I walked around for five minutes in the audiovisual department and I could not find the office or anybody to help me. I went back to the lady and I was greeted by a man who said, "There is no one here. Come back tomorrow morning." I thought to myself, "Ugh, these people are useless."

The next morning, I woke up too late and left the house too late. By the time I arrived on campus, it was already 8:30am and I didn't have enough time to get my umbrella and then go to class. After class got out, I went to the office that was gong to help me and they got a key to open the room. The door opened and I was getting excited about getting my umbrella back. But no, I was greeted by a class watching a film in the dark. I had already gone this far, why as not just check. I looked at the seat where I left my umbrella and it was gone. I left the classroom stupid and a bit embarrassed.

I am a bit bummed out about not getting my umbrella back. I really liked that umbrella. It was teal and it had a homemade replacement handle that I liked playing with. The knot on the green string was fun and kept me easily entertained when I bored. My umbrella was a piece of home and now it is gone... I have to move on and buy a new one, but I feel so stupid because I have not lost anything since middle school.

So anyway, today-
We went on a dinner with all the students in the EAP Bordeaux program. There could have easily been a total of 50 of us. It got really loud in the Automobile Club that our private gathering was held in. Nonetheless, it was really fun to have dinner with everyone and it was nice to see everybody in the program again. We had a four course meal which started with the apéritif (appetizer). We had drinks, peanuts, and olives (pictured). And our dinner was really delicious too, for the menu check it out here.

One last thing, I took this photo before going to dinner. It's a rather sad image, but I like it a lot.

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