Flower Friday : : Grevillea

I was up at the crack of dawn hunting for things like my sporadic and somewhat unwilling record of my blood pressure and my Advance Health Care  Directive,  giving the names of the people I want to care for me if I can no longer do it myself. I have known it existed somewhere for five years but have never remembered to take with me to be put in my medical record. Panic ensued around here and both OIlMan and I hunted for it. He found it in our "go bag" of essentials which is supposed to be easily grabbed if we have to evacuate. 

 I was told that one of the big advantages of having all our health information on the computer would make it available to any doctor or medical service we used....not exactly...not even the emergency department in the hospital across the street has access to it. I'm really not sure what one is supposed to do with a Do  Not Resuscitate order if one is unconscious in the back of an ambulance. If one is admitted to the hospital, they always ask if you have an advance directive, but one has to be compos mentis. Seems to be a weak link which is probably why I haven't bothered to give it to the doctor...I'm not planning on keeling over any time soon.

The blood pressure issue remains at a standoff....No convincing my doctor that I don't think a one size fits all number really does....She was laughing when she came into the room because I didn't let the assistant take it. The doctor took it, but she didn't tell me what it was...

Dana's family will be here tomorrow for an early Easter dinner since Will has to go back to school on Sunday. I broke the news to the boys that since they are both officially adults now, I didn't think the Easter Bunny would be calling this year. I'm not sure what bunnies have to do with Easter anyway...or eggs....

I know I have taken pictures of this amazing grevillea before, but I've never been able to catch its remarkable detail while still giving an idea of the size of the blossoms. I looked out the front door today and noticed that one of the myriad blooms had escaped the main shrubbery and was nicely framed in front of a big pot which gives it some scale. I love its subtle color and its exuberant attitude...perhaps more suitable to Easter Sunday than Good Friday. 

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