Fairly Feeble Flower Friday
A rather desultory attempt on one of the potted roses in the kitchen. I'm afraid I've been driving all day - took mother home and on a Bank Holiday Friday too. Always promised myself not to drive anywhere on bank holidays, and today I rediscovered why.
A little short of five hundred miles, in only nine and a quarter hours. The clever sat nav, speaking with my iPhone, saved me at least a couple more hours by telling me to "get off the bloody motorway now!" I passed five serious collisions with emergency services in attendance, and four other accidents. And of course innumerable breakdowns in the tailbacks.
Still, that's the wedding week over with. Steve and Caren phoned when I was in a post-drive very hot and bubbly bath a little earlier to tell me how fab the Cape Verde Islands are, and of course I'm not in the least envious. I've also got my iMac to allow me into my own files, which is nice, but I may end up lobotomising her and reinstalling the lot (lots of strange little error messages!). These problems do of course impact on photography work. Hey, and indeed Ho.
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