Hi there to all my dear friends. I hope you have all had a good day.
I have been pottering about doing the usual chores etc. I have also been wrapping presents, as tomorrow is Barry's Birthday.
As today is Good Friday, I thought I would show you a poem that I made when I was 12 years old. It was published into a book of poems. I entered the poem when I was older though. It is very appropriate for today. I was quite a religious girl, and was going to be a nun. It is titled "Golgotha"

                            At The Place They call Golgotha
                            On The Mount Of Calvary
                            Hung Your Torn And Broken Body
                            On That Cross So Fresh And Clean.

                            You Endured The Nails, The Spitting
                            Vinegar And Gall And Reed
                            All For Us, Dear Jesus Listen
                            I too Wish To Die As Thee

                            Just To Feel Your Arms Around Me
                            And To Clasp Me To Your Heart
                            Til I'm Safe With Thee In Heaven
                            Where  We Never More May Part.

Thank you all for following me. Take care of yourselves.
Love Theresa.x

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