All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

Sick Kids

We got woken up just after 1am by Ethan crying about a sore tummy. Cuddles / calpol / hot water bottle / warm shower didn’t help. By now he was doubled up in pain and couldn’t walk. A call to NHS24 and we had secured an out of hours appointment at St Johns for 3.50am.

Hubbie took him and to be honest I expected them to be home again fairly quickly.

But no.

They were packed off to Sick Kids in Edinburgh. Ethan had an ecg, urine samples taken, cannula put in his hand and bloods taken then transferred to a ward.

All tests ok. Heart rate slightly on the slow side but they said that isn’t unusual if someone is very fit.

They don’t think it’s his appendix but can’t rule it out. he got discharged late afternoon as he seemed better by then but we’re to go straight back in if it worsens again.

VERY tired and sleep deprived mummy and daddy today!

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