My Mini Adventure

By JJ46


It's our Wedding Anniversary today. Two years already! Weather in London today, I hear, is very different from the glorious blue skies and sunshine we had for our special day. Lots of love to N, what a lot he's had to put up with this year - I have certainly been calling in the 'sickness' part our vows this year, so early in our married life. Hope next year is healthier. xx

Went to Mdina this morning, a fortified citadel, which was fabulous. This photo was one of many cute courtyards and side streets I could have picked. I really liked the flowers climbing over the walls. Shame the lady stepped out from behind the wall just as I pressed the shutter. Oh well. Had a cuppa and a cake at a cafe which had an upper floor looking out over the walls to the view beyond. Lovely. N bought me some Mdina glassware for an anniversary gift which we will endeavour to get home in one piece.

Later in the afternoon, after a tremendously heavy rainstorm, the sun came out and we spent a glorious couple of hours relaxing and sunning ourselves on the beach at Golden Bay - very aptly named!

What a lovely day.

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