Quod oculus meus videt

By GrahamColling

Good Friday Open Air Service

We walked to the local shops this morning.  My wife needed to see an optician so while she was being looked after I had a walk around with the camera, of course.

We tend to forget, in what seems to be an increasingly secular society, what Good Friday means to the Christian Faith.  We are absorbed by the opportunity for a day off work, or the special programmes on the TV, etc.  

I'm not a religious person; I don't believe in a God, though I do accept that there was someone called Jesus.  I did a little research into the relationship between Christianity and the State, before drawing up this post.  It is actually legislated by the Act of Establishment 1701.  It may just be me, but it seems inconsistent in a country where the Church of England is the official religion and the Queen is the 'Defender of the Faith', that it is the other religions in our multi-cultural society which seem more devoutly and faithfully followed.

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