
By Cari

Looooonnnggg drive

Ok. I have some numbers for you....

11:00am~Time we wanted to get on the road for our 9 hour drive to SanFrancisco

2:00pm~Still at work finishing last minute things
5:00pm~Finally hit the road for the long drive
8:10pm~cross into California
9:45ish~SNOW!! temperature dropped to 33 degrees F and the snow was coming down hard! yikes!
11:23~stop to get gas in Red Bluff, Ca. and the credit card machines are broken so we go to the next station. Credit works so we fill up. I go in to get some coffee. They don't take cash. huh? use card again to get coffee. Get back on the road.
11:54pm~Crap! I haven't taken a photo for the day yet! pull over and snap this one of Glenn. Clock says 11:55 so I'm safe...or am I???
00:57~Time my camera says it was when i took photo :( Hoping blip will accept it as the 23rd and not the 24th
1:15am~Glenn and I play ABC game driving down the road to pass the time. Getting very tired
2:00am~Get to hotel in SanFrancisco
2:30~checked in, in bed and asleep withing seconds
7:00am~up, showered and waiting to catch shuttle to airport
9:15am~Take off for 5 hour flight to Hawaii
11:45am(Hawaii time) they are 3 hours behind us in Oregon, we land.

I have to say it was one of the worst flights ever. I am a tall lady and the guy in front of me kept putting his seat back then up then back then up then back then up. I'm thinking after I crammed my knee into his back was the last time he put it back. AND, when he did put it back he didn't lean back, he sat up! What the ??? I was in middle seat and gal next to me had to get up. So, Glenn has to maneuver his way out first(guy in front of him also has seat back) then I had to twist my way out to let her out only to do it all again when she came back. Good times. But, we are here and hope to have an enjoyable relaxing time here on the island of Kauai. Lots to see!!

Happy Tuesday

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