Reginald Allcorn, 23rd March 1918

I was out of it for most of the day, inside again. Meanwhile on the outside, 7 new doors were being fitted in the hall and landing. They’ll be finished off tomorrow. As they are while they already transform the light levels in the house and bedrooms.

The weather today was the reverse of yesterday. Sunny when I went “in” with heavy rain when I came “out”. We walked in the cold rain around the village where we spotted this new wreath.

All throughout the commemoration of the centenary of the Great War Bearsted has placed wreaths at it as near as possible to the homes of men killed in the war. With the German Spring Offensive it seems there is now a fresh onslaught of deaths of village men. A very moving way to mark the commemorations.

I subscribe to a FB site commemorating the KSLI (Kings Shropshire Light Infantry) which I’m led to believe my grandfather fought with in the Great War but I’ve not been able to find anything about his service.

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