Always inconstant...

By bikeyPete

Ante Mortem Vita Est

A thin veil of mist covers most of our lives, reason and daily rituals stop us from considering our mortality. I walked passed a skeleton hanging in a shop window today, I stopped and stared at it.....that is what I would look like in the end. I turned around and saw things clearly again, this is it.....this is my life......every second that passes is gone forever.

Now, this is not a morbid thought, at least not for me, to embrace life you must first admit that it will not last is transitory, it goes.....what you do with it is up to you.....right?

With Halloween just round the corner and the Day of the Dead following, should we think a little more about our lives....before we join the lengthy list of the passed.

I embrace my life....every wonderful is easy to forget when work/relationships/stuff gets all confused, that one one day we will be such dry bones or dust......but come it will.

So....when the witching hour turns and the spooks and witches parade the streets looking for chocolate and sweets.......remember that one day you won't be around to enjoy the silly skeleton in the shop.....soulless. Smile and have a good time....there isn't much point in much else.... put on a fun mask or lanterns in your window....have some fun with it!!!!

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