
A couple things struck me when I saw this goose in the pond.  First, he was sitting very still -- not even a ripple.  Second, he was all alone and seemed quite happy about it.  I see geese every day but I don't recall seeing one this motionless.  They're always gliding and paddling about.  

I put the wide shot in Extras.  That one made me laugh because he looked as though he was just daring somebody to ask him what he was doing.  

Update on Lizzie:  She has pancreatitis.  It's quite serious but the vet was very happy that I brought her in when I did because we caught it early.  She's in some pain but I'm now armed with painkillers (narcotics) for her which will help with the pain and make her "affectionate" he says, plus she had a shot and I have pills to give her as well.  The vomiting and loss of appetite were symptoms although she's back to eating normally this evening.  I'll probably have to supplement her diet with digestive enzymes or probiotics because she doesn't get those things from catching and consuming mice etc., where they occur naturally.   Her diabetes is still in remission but could recur because of the pancreatitis.  

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