An ordinary life....

By Damnonii

The Road to Broadslap...

Or Slapdash as it's affectionately known in our house :-)

If you follow my journal you will know that Broadslap Fruit Farm Coffee Shop is a favourite haunt of ours.  We have introduced numerous family members and friends to the place where we are always guaranteed a delicious breakfast / lunch / afternoon coffee and cake and warm welcome from the manager.

The Coffee shop always closes for a month between mid December and mid January.  We were counting down the days to it re-opening in January then discovered it was closed till March, so we began counting down the days again.

And yesterday was the day it finally re-opened...but with a twist.  

It is under new management and the new manager (Lin)  is none other than a good friend of our friend (and Lola's breeder) Carole.  Carole actually put me in touch with Lin when we got Lola as Lin has 6 Golden retrievers and is a highly respected local dog trainer.  We have been chatting on Facebook but hadn't managed to meet up.  Well we finally got to meet today.  

David and I headed to Broadslap for lunch and it was lovely turn into the farm road and see the new green growth in the fields and the lovely blue sky ahead.  A delicious lunch was had and David couldn't resist a slice of the beautiful carrot cake that was on display.  He says it's one of the best carrot cakes he has tasted an he's tasted a few!

Chatted to Lin (mainly about our dogs, surprise surprise :-)) and her decision to take on this new venture.  As well as being a dog whisperer, she's also experienced in the hospitality trade so I am sure Broadslap is in safe hands.

Once back home I spent the rest of the afternoon in the kitchen prepping the food for tomorrow night's dinner.  Friends LeeAnne and Gail coming over for a long overdue and much needed catch up.  I wanted to make sure I was as organised as possible so I am not spending all my time in the kitchen tomorrow night.  

I am now super organised and ready to party :-))

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