Ramblings and Mutterings

By ValleyAllBlack

The Cost of D

I’ve talked about the mental and physical cost of dialysis before, so I thought I’d tell you about the pounds, shilling and pence cost.

The average cost of each of my dialysis treatments is £450 per session, so today was my tenth session, so theoretically it has cost the NHS £4,500 to keep me alive so far to date.  The tubes that you notice at the front of the machine, are one only usage.  Yes, that’s right, everything in the machine can be disinfected but everything outside of it has to be thrown away after each session.  So, when you add waste on top as well, I dread to think what the cost is.

I’m grateful that dialysis exists, because I’d be dead by now without it, I am not grateful on how much it has affected my life.  I am angry.

Today’s session wasn’t too bad, read a book from cover to cover and started another.

I have no idea of what date it is other than it’s March, time is lost to me.

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