How Old?!
I got a letter today from a woman who was the caretaker in my old London school. We have kept in touch and she is such a dear. Like me she loves animals and kept ducks, a goose and rabbits in the enclosed courtyard at the school and would look after my guinea pigs when I went away. She came with me to The Hampton Court Flower show and still mentions it every time she writes! She was knocked down when out on her bike by boy racers and lost her sense of smell and taste, and was unable to ride after her bones mended. But she still helps out at the Jumble sales at the old school and the Drop in Centre for those who have left. In her letter she said how she was going to be 101 in a few weeks! I don't know her full name - I just know her as Robbie, and she would never tell me her birthdate! My the changes she must have seen in her lifetime. So I wrote her a long letter back with photos of Milkshake and the hens, and ordered her flowers to arrive monthly. I also had a present to post to someone so then it was to the Post Office. I noticed this post box on the way there so stopped on the way back. I just love how there are no actual post boxes around here, just boxes built into the walls!
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