The Blackcountry Man

By brickmaker

Tufted Duck....

How many of you have burnt your dinner messing with Blip, hands up, you can confess, well i have tonight, forgot about it in the oven tonight, and when that really nice smell started to turn to a smokey smell did I jump up and have a look, TOO LATE, Oh well, a bit of carbon never hurt anyone did it?????

Took this today at Horsham again, a group of Tuffed ducks were diving for there lunch, managed to get this Male as he came a little nearer to the hide, just think what I can crop to when I have 21.1M pixels, although I would have lost the 1.6x, but the clarity should be much better.

The guy who is buying my stamps has put the money into my account and I have to post the stamps tomorrow, then look for the best deal, anyone got any ideas?

Got a really nice shot of a Robin at the Nature Reserve.

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