Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont

NOT pleased


No gym today, because no sooner had JR popped out with Archie, than she rushed straight back in, sounding very distressed. Our car had been broken into and the driver's window smashed. They stole the two £1 coins used for shopping trolleys - not much of a haul! Funnily enough -NOT- a neighbour's car had the same thing done a couple of nights ago ( though he had left his phone in full view). In all the years of car owning in this area, and my parents before me, this has never happened. At least they didn’t steal my packet of Haribos (chewy kids' sweeties) in the glove pocket.

Anyway, I spent most of the morning on the phone to the insurance, who referred me to their preferred glazier, and the soonest they can fit us in is THURSDAY NEXT WEEK. What a laugh!

Got another one, and they ordered the glass and fitted it this afternoon. And we had a lovely lunch in a dog friendly cafe in Leith while we waited.

Meanwhile, JR, who had been to the gym for a personal 'fitness circuit' at 9am, popped home to see how things were going, had her breakfast, then popped back for her 'proper' gym session. I think she might be a teensy bit obsessed...

The plumber came back to check the drainpipe. Yes, it's leaking, but where? I suggested it needs a whole new pipe, which he agreed. Labour, scaffolding £600, £50 per section, eight sections... oooh-er - we're talking £1,000s! But it's a communal drainpipe, so between 16 flats, it won’t be too bad. The positives of tenement living. Fortunately, we have met one resident in the next block, I’ve just been to see him, and he’s amenable to getting his lot organised.

I rang the police to inform them of the crime. They were very nice, and offered 'victim support'. I thanked them and said that wouldn’t be necessary as I still had my Haribos.

An occasional Police car cruising by would be nice though...

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