And delphiniums blue

By flynnet

wykeham forest

I love this place not been for quiet some time, so when jayne came today my social worker she asked me where I wanted to go I said somewhere with trees lol I introduced her to wykeham 2year ago and she loves it too. we had a lovely hour driving chasing the sun trying to get a nice light for a good blip. I took 40 shots some of pheasants some of leaves blowing off the trees but they looked like muck on the screen! and I got about ten of the biggest tree I have ever seen but not fit it all in the pic I will go back another day, it was funny i was walking backwards trying to fit the tree in and I stepped in to a mahoosive puddle haha any way settled on this as I liked the contrast. hope your all well. oh yer jayne said she cant believe my progress :)

love c x x x

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