Waiting gratefully
Es i â Nor'dzin i'r ysbyty'r bore yma oherwydd roedd rhaid iddi hi gael llawdriniaeth fach. Mae hi'n adfer nawr, ond y bydd e'n rhai o wythnosau cyn popeth yn well. Wrth i ni fynd yn hŷn rydyn ni'n treulio mwy o amser mewn ystafelloedd aros ac rydyn ni'n bod mwy diolchgar am y driniaeth sy rydyn ni'n derbyn ar y Gwasanaeth Iechyd Cenedlaethol.
I went with Nor'dzin to the hospital this morning because she had to have a small operation. She's recovering now, but it will be a few weeks before everything's better. As we get older we spend more time in waiting rooms and we become more grateful for the treatment we receive on the National Health Service.
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