
By Schoenies

Not only thimbles!

Ok , so I did buy some other things on my trip (24 Oct blip)
This is a tablecloth from Budapest in the traditional paprika embroidery design, and then my Canon Powershot camera. It's so light and can fit easily into my handbag. I certainly won't discard my bigger camera and lenses but this one is so handy.
And note the "Fuschia" colour! I wanted red, but with not understanding German too well and being in a hurry, I only opened the box at the airport much later!! The fact that I was wearing a top in that colour led to much teasing about colour coding cameras!!
Anyway it was worthwhile as I bought it much cheaper than in SA!
I have back blipped from 3-20 October so if you have time you can get an idea of my wonderful Eastern Europe trip!

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