Another Grandma day, another park
Just short of three hours sleep after my night shift then it was time to pick Thomas up from nursery.
The weather was lovely again so after lunch we went to a local park that I’ve not been to for a few years as it’s too long a walk for poppy these days, and I don’t think Thomas has ever been. We found the fountain (unfortunately I can’t remember it ever spouting water) but there were a few pairs of mallards hiding in the reefs which as usual delighted Thomas.
We walked up through the park into its adjoining park where there is a playground, we stayed for about an hour trying out all the equipment then made our way to the cafe area where we shared a carton of juice and a chocolate biscuit bar.
By the outside eating area there are two cannons Thomas climbed on the back of this one shouting “fire the cannons” then replying to himself “Aye aye sir, cannons fired!”
Fourteen years today since I lost my mum, while she loved all her grandchildren there was always a special bond between her and M it’s only now that I truly understand that sense of pride and depth of love that they shared .
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