Seeing is believing

By hoover


From the 31st October 2008 staff on grade 8 and below will work an additional 2.5 hours per week than currently stated in their contract.

Sounds pretty clear and definite to me. Myself and my grade 8 colleagues (UK wide) spent several months complaining about this as it's basically taking a pay cut. Same salary for more work. However, we have dutifully worked our additional 2.5 hours per week since 31st October. By my calculations, to date we have worked a full five days extra.

I found out today (by accident) that this change was not actually implemented.

My boss, my senior colleagues and my trade union (whom I pay £11 per month to for their services) are among the people who knew the change had not happened. No one saw fit to inform the staff of grade 8 and below. I was actually laughed at when I asked for clarification on the matter. It was evident that senior colleagues find the thought of grade 8's working more than required highly amusing.

Words fail me.

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