A walk for wine!

This afternoon when Ann came home from work she said, 'Molly, we haven't seen my friend, Susan, for ages so we are going to walk over to her house and have a glass of wine.'

Obviously I knew it was the humans that were going to have a glass of wine, but I was happy because going to Susan's house involves walking through 'Braidburn Valley Park' and I love, love, love, splish, splash, sploshing in the burn there.

But do you know what happened when I got to Braidburn Valley Park?....................... Ann didn't let me off my lead. Booohooo. I ALWAYS get let off my lead in Braidburn Valley Park so I thought she'd just forgotten to unclip me. I kept nudging her leg to remind her but do you know what she said?...................... She said, 'Molly, Susan will not be happy if I turn up at her house with a wet, muddy collie. You're staying on your lead and you can have some run about time on the way home.'

Sooooo Ann and Susan had one glass of wine. Normally Ann has a bottle. Lol. Then we started to walk home but I was still a bit tired from my big long walk yesterday so Ann said we could get the bus home. So that is what we did.

I'm having another little snooze on the sofa now and Ann is going to spend the evening watching soaps.


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