
By Paladian

Pat Austin

I didn't used to like the orangey spectrum of roses until I met Pat Austin. She has a bright coppery colour on the inside of the petals, and a pale copper yellow on the outer side. The only disadvantage is that she tends to look down, but that might just be the weight of the blooms on the stems - because they are huge. The scent is delicious, and clings to you if you brush past her.

She looks even more gorgeous in LARGE.

The Rower and me bought the spiffy new Tamron 24-70mm f/2.8 lens which stacks up against the Canon lens of the same sort, BUT the
Tamron is half the price, has OIS built in and does equally as good a job.

This is my first image taken with this lens, and I am astounded by the crispness of the shot - even at 200% it's still as sharp as a tack. Happy campers at the moment.

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