RW's Daily Exposures

By rwsphotography

Portland Oregon Audubon Society

The largest Audubon chapter in the U.S. (by membership, volunteers, and budget). This is the entrance to one of four buildings, all under the same roof. This one is the Wildlife Care Center where wounded or abandoned birds are brought for rehabilitation and ultimately, release back to the wild.

These people (staff, volunteers, and board), do great work. Education, wildlife recovery, administration, and nature shop, all serve the local and extended community of North Western Oregon.

It had snowed. My extra is a shot I took from my truck while driving to the facility. I was going very slowly when I took the photo. I was about 100 yards, 30 plus meters from the driveway of their facility when I shot it.

The dark reflection by the lights on the road is known as "black ice."


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