
To Hell and the source of Eden and back.
Having been to the source of the Lune River I was curious to see the source area of the Eden River. Appropriately the Eden seems to essentially emerge from the jaws of Hellgill (see extra ... don't look Paula ... its a long way down). Suddenly in this moorland there is a deep gash in the limestone and the Eden roars below often out of sight. The air was full of the calls of curlew and lapwing.
When I got to the start of the walk up I could see the sculpture on the horizon ... I'd forgotten it was there although have read about it before as one of the Eden benchmark sculptures. Paula has visited and recorded them all.
It made me curious about the holy well at the source of the Lune and I wondered whether or not it was just co-incidental that a holy well was sited there with a chapel or whether it was considered significant as the birth of the river. It that's the case, why not have chapels and holy wells at the source of other rivers? Such are the never-ending conundrums of the holy well hunter.
On my way I stopped in Brough to see if I could see any sign of St.Winifred's holy well ... (there wasn't any) ...
'Opposite the market cross (now replaced by the clock tower) which stands on the site of another old well, there was a holy well dedicated to St Winifred (Gwenfrewi) which was a place of pilgrimage until some time before 1777. '

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