Oh My Days!

By lovelupins17

Welsh lambs

Always a bit of a nuisance to lose an hour overnight.... especially when breakfast is specified as being between 8 and 9 am.... no lie in....but when the curtains were drawn to see this view of Bala lake (extra) - oh I wish I'd gotten up earlier! 
On leaving the most comfortable comfort of our B & B.....I couldn't resist the bleats of these adorable Welsh lambs down the end of the lane.  How curious they were!
On to Lake Vrynwy.... which was burstingly fresh with wildlife and water from the Welsh hills. Apparently the water supplies Liverpool.... I have no idea how they they get it there... but wow! 
Home.... but no Chino to greet us.. he's holidaying with Amelia, Matty and the beagles.... having a fabulous time by all accounts! 

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