Thank You For the Days ..

By Fyael

Looking Out to Sea

Another mild sunny day! Too good to spend toiling in the garden, so off we went, northwards, till we reached the coast at the aptly named hamlet of Cove. 

The first thing we noticed was the memorial sculpture in the picture.  There is another by the same artist, Jill Watson, further along the coast at Eyemouth. Both commemorate the fishing disaster of 1881 when more than 150 men and boys were drowned in a sudden storm.  The narrow and rock-strewn entrances to the harbours prevented them from being able to reach safety and they died astheir families watched, powerless to help, from the cliff-tops.  A huge sum of money was raised from the public to help the bereaved, and improvements to harbours were carried out in response to the outcry. Each figure of a woman and child represents a real person. It's very moving.

Cove  (extra) itself is a tiny sandy beach, two or three houses, and a little jetty, still in use. It is very pretty, and unspoiled.  The approach to the beach is via a long tunnel - quite exciting!  I hope to return with grandchildren in tow.

The other extra was taken on the drive home, and shows how quickly the weather can change.  

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