Dear Diary,

That was the rallying cry all over the US yesterday, and around the world as well. ENOUGH! I was so awed by the young people who have taken up this huge challenge to do something about the gun violence in this country. I just pray they can sustain the energy and passion I saw yesterday.

On my way home from Newfield, I was finally able to finish printing my calling cards, my mind was full of thoughts for the hundreds of thousands of marchers. A field of dry sunflowers beaten down by the winter storms caught my eye and I pulled over. The grower had left them for the birds to harvest as many people do around here but I just thought of all those who have been touched by gun violence, heads bowed but still standing.

ENOUGH! could also be my cry this morning as I woke to see another coating of snow on everything. Everyone reaches their limit and as to this snow thing, I think I’ve reached mine. But it is small potatoes compared to the storm of resistance these young people will face in the weeks and month’s ahead. They have reached their limit and perhaps a tipping point has alsonbeen reached and things will finally change. We will see.

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