Challenge to my self accepted.
So much for feeling sorry myself. Well, I took stock of myself, and I considered that I would not be able to handle a camera. So , ok, does that really mean I can’t try one-handed? I asked my partner to bring my camera bag in I turned on Auto- didn’t try to fiddle with the controls. The zoom lens was a bit trickier but I managed it.
I was sitting by the window so - with the armchair balancing the camera. I aimed it at the rooftop of the hospital- 70’s brutalist architecture-was the feature here.
Now to upload it for processing I have this app I flash Device which can can upload SD ard files and so with some one-handed fiddle I got it connected. Anyway long story short I adjusted it.
I had a stroke and it’s locus is the right side of my brain which means that my left side that is affected; no control of the left arm/hand, also leg, face- speech. It’s very tiring.
I want to thank all of you for your well wishes. I will bounce back. Rehab here we come!
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