Explore, Dream, Discover

By Snowcycle

Arthur's Seat

In the sun, it fells pretty warm. A couple of windows are open for the first time this year.

A bit of busy bike maintenance. My partner's bike requires a new bike computer being fitted, which is done just before coffee time. After coffee, i do some basic maintenance on my commute bike, which looks a bit manky despite not being a wet week.

After lunch, its down to Newington to visit the charity shops. There's not much in the shops, but it feels quite busy. I think the tourist season has arrived. The top of Arthur's Seat is also busy. A few of them are taking selfies.. Have coffee at a shop that used to be an opticians in Forrest Road. Cake was nice. A guinness and chocolate cake with an orange flavoured icing.

Get home. the daffodils in the front garden have perked up after the recent cold snap, and have started to bloom.Better blip them. They don't last for long.

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