
By Nikksnacks

A-Z Food Challenge: W is for Wales

I feel sorry for Wales and Scotland, as they're often not thought of as their own countries but just as part of Great Britain or the UK.

And, particularly with Wales, people sometimes just seem to forget that it is there! When I was travelling around the UK and Europe in 2010, upon telling people that I spent a month in Wales, they would often say 'Oh, I've never thought of going to Wales.' Why? It has its own language, its own culture, its own history and it's so accessible, why would someone travelling through the rest of the UK not go to Wales? I just don't get it.

And of course, Wales also has its own cuisine, which I sampled today for brunch - Cockle Cakes with Laverbread and Bacon. I have to say I was in mixed minds about this recipe - not about the taste of the food, which all went together really well, but with the recipe instructions. The batter instructions were terrible (1 egg and 200g+ flour for a batter? Think there's something missing here), so I really had to adapt the recipe to get it to something workable. As such, my cockle cakes turned out more like cockle fritters.

Laverbread was also a wee bit tricky to find but luckily Amazon came through for me. But it meant buying 3 packs when I only needed 1, so now I think I'll have to hunt down some more laverbread recipes. If you have any suggestions, please do let me know.

X, Y & Z foodie challenges will be next week and then I'll be all challenged out!!

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