End Of The Lane, Aylesford

Day off today as I was up to date with all my work and I fancied a long weekend. The day started with a shortish run - it was lovely to get up a bit later and then just get some fresh air without worrying about having to catch a train. I then decided to try and do some strengthening exercises with some weights to see if that would help make my shoulder and arm stronger. Nothing too strenuous, just ten minutes or so as I didn't want to push it too much.
It was then time to try and book tickets for a concert at Somerset House (in London) in the summer. The online box office opened at ten o'clock so I was on the site at about ten seconds after that time only to find I was 2,000th in the queue! Luckily, after about a forty-five minute wait I managed to get two tickets - hurrah - only after a frantic mix-up about a bloody password! I was so happy I got them as it's a lovely relaxing venue to go to (I've been twice before) and I really didn't want to miss out. So come July me and my brother will be seeing Sigrid in concert - can't wait.
Today's shot was taken at the end of a lane near where I live. I've no idea why the massive pile of wood chippings are there except that until a couple of months ago there was a line of old creaky garages where the  pile now stands. I just really liked the shapes and lines. It also reminded me of the fact that this lane now overlooks the very large housing estate that has almost finished being built nearby so the landscape has changed very dramatically over the last two to three years. It too was surrounded by fences and piles of building materials and other detritus.

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