middle of nowhere

By nipponnay

Blue skies and Skyping

The fire escape on the wall of my flat. I love this viewpoint, so I may blip it again one day in different weather conditions... I really should climb it one of these days and see what's on my roof. Although I don't want my neighbours to be wondering what the hell the gaijin across the road is doing....

Just spoke to my best friend on Skype, not spoke to her properly for 6 months! Too long. But now I'm 'Skyping' I hope I'll get to speak to her more often.

No classes tomorrow, so I may go for a wander at some point. My boyfriend is going off for 3 days tomorrow to go to an English camp at a French school, so I'll be all on my lonesome :( Oh well, I'll just watch Lost again :D

Happy middle-of-the-week everyone! x

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