Mandy's photo journal

By MandyO


...for tea!

My new Teasmade arrived today. I'm very excited!
I've been thinking about getting one for ages as I often wake in the night and fancy a cup of tea. How nice to enjoy a cup without having to get out of bed!
I remember years ago when I was about 13/14 (early 70s), I used to work in a stables at the weekends and holidays. I'd get up about 5 am, and I used to have my mums old teasmade - it really helped me get out of bed.
A few years ago I tried to get one through Ebay but only antique ones were available. Now they seem to have made a come back - and I got this modern version from Amazon. I can't wait to try it out tonight.
(I also thought it would save me disturbing the dog in the middle of the night...)

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