Yet another 25th!

I had my shoulder appointment in Haywards Heath this morning. I was basically told that yes, its a frozen shoulder, that it looks like its reached its most painful phase and that from now the pain should start to ease and its then a case of waiting for the stiffness to ease on its own which could take....wait for it......8 MONTHS!!!!!!!! Jesus...... 8 months of not being able to wash my hair properly, do up a bra or shave my armpit!!! I was offered a steroid injection but was told that would no increase the mobility, just ease the pain temporarily but as the pain is starting to ease, I thought there was little point in having it.

So basically, I just need to put up, shut up and wait. 8 months!

It is Step-Daughter Alex's 25th Birthday today. We popped over to see her at her sisters house. They are all in the middle of packing up ready to move house but we got a chance to give her some gifts before she was being taken out for Afternoon Tea. Grandaughter Ellie put on some lippy especially for a picture!!!

Mr W and I are off to work together in a minute. Well, I'm working - he just drives then sits reading his book!!!!

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