
Up early (for me) for a trip to Milton Keynes for a meeting. For once almost everything ran in time, the only hiccup being waiting on the platform at Victoria underground as 7 trains came and went already packed to the gunnels with people only allowing a few people on at a time.

The platforms were crowded despite numbers being regulated at the station entrance as you can see here. What this shot really needs is someone turning around, standing out from the rest of us sheep. I only have to do this occasionally, what a drag for those for whom this is their daily grind.

I caught the train from Euston in good time, arrived at the meeting, left the meeting and had a pleasant trip back. Just a note on fares. The return fare from Bearsted with a 7.25am departure was £73. Buy a single to Victoria, a single from Euston to Milton Keynes (now after 9.15) when I could use my Seniors Railcard and a single back to Kent was £16 less. Worth the effort!

Played a couple of songs at the Folk Club tonight. Moonlight Shadow (when he was Cat Stevens) and The Boxer (Simon and Garfunkel), ably accompanied by the rest of the club who successfully drowned out my suspect singing and even more suspect ukulele playing.

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