Hawthorn Robin

Raining all morning, and seemed to rain for most of the day, with the odd drier spell.  Dull all day too.

I've had to take today off work again.  I've still not shifted this bug, but the flu like symptoms have gone, and now left with a chesty cough and cold.  Another day in front of the telly.  I did manage to walk to the chemist for more medicines, and fine to get fresh air.  Feet up with the fire roaring again.

The bore of the daytime telly got too much, and once again I turned to the windows for some more inspiration.  Every garden has it's own peerie robin, and this is my one :)  He/she visits the garden often, and this past few days, I've seen her in every corner, up and down.  Taken out of a dirty sitting room window, Houl Road, Scalloway. 

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