
I didn't have much time for taking a photo today, so it's just a flower blip.

Alexandra came around early, as she had to get another wee sample from Isabella.  The one she'd taken in this morning, showed that she had a serious infection.  So they wanted another one to double check.  They've now decided to send a sample away to the lab.

So, I then went out shopping.  Came home and was fiddling around.  When Alexandra rang, and said that Isabella had woken from a sleep, couldn't stop crying and had a terrible cough, sounding like a seal.

I said to ring the Drs.  By the time I got over there, she'd been told to take her down to the surgery straight away.

She seems to be alright.  Her temperature has gone down, and the Dr. couldn't hear anything on her chest.  She thinks she might just have a bad virus.  We will now just have to wait for the results from the Lab.

Having sick children is always so worrying.

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