Love Is...

Had another mini-meltdown this morning. I crave order and beauty, and my home is neither at the moment; a good word for it would be squalid. And then I feel guilty for feeling this way. I know Mike is working hard. I know it will get better. I know it could be worse (there are no bombs dropping on us). I know it's our choice. But... it is still squalid.

Anyway, as I walked into town for health post and bank and paying bills, I stopped to photograph this graffiti, and it suddenly came to me as a command: Love! Brought me up short. I'd been thinking about Kendall's Blip, and how beautifully she talks about the tenderness we can feel for our neighbours. 

And how, as Christians, we are commanded to love. On the night before he died, Jesus said: "This is my command: love one another, in the same way that I loved you. No one has a love greater than this, to lay down your life for your friends." (John 15:12-13). 

Put straight by graffiti. 

Resulted in an impromptu  lunch with dear friends; influenced our conversation... however hard it feels, what we must do is love. And that means laying down our life for others...

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