My life

By pops

Tête-à-tête daffodils

These tiny daffodils survived the cold and snow of the weekend and brighten up a small patch of grass on our road.

I’ve reached the point where I have to take my glasses off for close things, back on for distance, and so on. While it’s a nuisance at home between tv and phone or book, at work it’s even worse, and obviously essential that my vision is clear. So it was back to the opticians today to collect my varifocals, not sure I’ll cope with them but it has to be worth a try. I may get used to it but there are areas of vision that are blurred, I have to remember to move my head not just my eyes then I’m looking through the appropriate area of lens. So far they’ve made me a little dis-orientated and given me a headache......... watch this space!

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