The Weight of History
To Leeds Dear Reader, for Lunch with Ex-Colleague who had to call off at last minute for Dire Emergency involving Water and Plumber. Still, onwards and upwards to spend all those Christmas and Birthday vouchers: Heaven in HMV and Waterstones. All that vinyl in HMV made me smile like it was 1977. Will it be so popular when it starts to warp and get scratched?
First Taste of a "Byron Burger". Not bad. Quite a trendy brand I believe , or am I far behind the times?
Another "street" photo inExtras. So much easier in a big city like Leeds! Even bought a book: "The Street Photographer's Manual" by David Gibson. Well, We'll see.
And the HMV purchases? My first Belle and Sebastian CD: The Third Eye Centre. Now there's a coincidence. Couldn't see the title as I didn't have my glasses on. Bought it purely on price as I had already bought 5 (yes 5!) Suzanne Vega CDs for 9.99. (Even though I have two of them on cassette , but who plays cassettes these days?). That must be even cheaper than in the days of vinyl or cassette.And the rule about not duplicating music I already own went a long time ago.
Mind How Y'Go.
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