The life & times of Jacks

By Jacqueline

Flutterby Night

Grumpy - REALLY grumpy start to the day.  
I lazed at the weekend, took it easy and expected to have ridden out this cold but I felt well and truly bunged up and generally shit today.

Work was busy.  My crisis of faith at work is continuing.  I am reading a book called Sapiens which talks about the role of fiction in the success of humans, and the companies we work for are essentially a work of fiction - it's not a thing - it's a collection of fictions that people who work for said company buy into.  I'm finding it hard to remain bought in.  The fiction is crumbling, and perhaps it's because of the recent big birthday but I can't help wondering what my 17 year old self would think of me now.

My 17 year old, purple haired, black eyeshadow, pierced, tattoo'd in big tank girl boots, army trousers and rebel metal self would think.

Changing the world one corporate at a time - not sure she'd be a fan.

Past my bed time - again!  Where is the sunshine?

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