
By thosearestrings

creeper in the back

i tried in the most non-intrusive way possible to capture the silhouettes of my fellow students against a soviet propoganda film we watched in class tonight. it took me almost two hours to whip my camera out and not feel a bit shy about it.

i found a new roommate for next year, which to be honest, is the first great thing to happen to me in quite some time. i'm guessing that things will slowly turn upward from here again, kind of like they always do. i don't think we ever get dealt more than we can handle, but its comforting when something that's really been weighing on my mind works out for the best. i dont expect much else will turn around any time soon, but at least i have a place to live next year. thank you lord.

i also rediscovered after watching the video about russia how much i would like to travel to that part of the world. further east than romania, and also israel, i want to go there too. my dad is going to have an aneurysm.

sweet dreams from the northeast.

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