
By Mems

Human colouring book!

Another three hours of being coloured in, in the tattooist's chair- the end is getting closer and I'm a little disappointed at the thought! Three years to the day, I was mid-way through the completion of the sleeve on ny left arm!
I woke early and spent time in bed with a cuppa, catching up on some TV.
I headed for lunch with two friends who then accompanied me to Boneshakers. One of them even booked an appointment to get a design I'd drawn up for them for their fortieth birthday!

I was then left in the very safe hands of the tattooist. It was nice to sit and chat about this and that but mostly about the lack of space on much of my skin after seven years of visiting!

The (dreaded) food shop was completed at speed afterwards with The other-half in tow before we grabbed a quick tea. We then joined a friend for a few drinks whilst chuckling at a Rod Stewart impersonator with very impressive hair! It was my first proper drink since the now infamous (amongst my friends) snow day! I was reserved and stuck to a bottle or two of my favourite ale.
The snowy conditions meant our friend had to abandon his plans to drive home and stay at ours!

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