
By LifeLines

Bricks and Mortar

Another cold day with snow showers this morning.  This afternoon the sun appeared but it remained freezing.   I worked from home as I was feeling a bit under the weather.  Just before the light faded I went for a short walk around the village.  In the summer this old mill is covered with a large vine so its not easy to see the beautiful brickwork.  Now in the winter, with the vine pruned back, its possible to see it in its full glory.  The door is rather special too.  I don't know anything of the history of this building other than it was an old mill, presumably water powered as it sits next to a stream.  However there is a much larger mill just a few hundred yards down the road from it.  I am not sure if they were related.  

I hope you have all had a good Monday and that, wherever you are, you have been warm.

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