Exotic Fruit

Exotic being the theme for today's Mono Monday hosted by Nickimags888.

At one time this fruit would be scarce in this country, now it's available on all supermarket shelves; papaya, mangoes,  coconuts, kiwi fruit, pineapples, pomegranate, pepino melon, sharon fruit (persimmon) and water melons.

In other news: I started at the Hospice eBay shop today (I say shop but actually its an office over the second hand furniture outlet).  I only managed to research, photo and list one item, but that was a very obscure, well obscure to me, microscope, and it was listed for £90.  I'm sure I'll get quicker with practice.  It's very interesting 'work' and I'll probably go back next week if they'll have me, even though I did manage to break eBay.

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