As Told By Ginger

By 9to12

Death Of A Salesman

Finally finishing Ragtime.

Today was much better than yesterday. My eye only twitched for a little bit in the morning, so I decided not to wear my contacts today. The general consensus is that I should wear my glasses more often. I convinced Nick to check out a book in the library today, and in gym we walked around the back gym for 20 minutes. I'm really starting to, dare I say it, enjoy APUSH. After school I went to rube, and we had an extremely difficult workout at XC today. 1,000 at 3:23, jog 100, 300 at 52, jog 200, repeat that four times, the rest being the jogs in between efforts. It sucked. I tutored tonight for an hour and now I'm beginning Death of a Salesman.

Word of the Day: Delate - Chiefly Scot. To inform against; denounce or accuse

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