Constant Exposure

By constant

Spring Time (Not)

Been a bit of a while since I made a fool of myself. This shot was a result of messing around with a new cable release I just bought that lets me use my Pocket Wizards to remotely fire the camera. You can see the transmitter in my right hand. I actually set it up to capture myself and Emma playing a "balloon bounce" game together.

So now with this new cable I can do family shots so much easier. No more timer setting and running to get in to place.

Which reminds me of a very funny time when Kim and I where visiting my Mum and Dad in Ireland just before we were getting married and we went for a walk up on Killiney Hill. There was this stone wall where I set up our little digital camera on a 10 second delay. The only problem was that I had to run around a very large ditch to where Kim was standing for the shot. Each picture caught me just about five yards away from Kim in full gallop. We laughed ourselves silly each time we saw the picture. I know we have them some where but I can't find them for the life of me. Oh well, I guess you had to be there.

[P.S. It must have been a film camera. I think our first digital was just before Holly was born. We'll have to go back to the old old archives...the shoe boxes.]

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