Flipping Weather

Got up to more snow this morning.
Not a problem in itself.
But we were taking the monsters on The Falkirk Wheel which had already been canceled due to maintenance and again moved time.
When we got there it turned out that the wind meant that we could not go across the aqueduct and through the tunnel but simply do a rotation.
There was no way we were going to cancel or put it off again so we just went for the rotation.
Before we got on the boat neither of the monsters could get their heads round how the boat would not get tipped out. As we went past the mechanism they began to understand.
Afterwards the kids joined me in walking up to the aquaduct and through the tunnel to canal basin (which was a darned sight colder than it was in the tunnel). When I mentioned the cold to Squirrel she started  pulling  silly faces.
Despite the biting wind I stopped to get some shots of the snow covered Ochils.
I joined 6 of the shots in a panorama which if printed at 10" high would be 5' long. I am sure I have a roll of canvas somewhere..........................

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